
The Call To Noble Success: Long Time Coming – Comfortable Misery

October 9, 2009

Exo 4:11-12 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.

Moses spent 40 years on “the backside of the desert” and even with the Lord speaking to him directly from a burning bush that wasn’t consumed, he still didn’t get it!

A lifetime accumulation of cultural, emotional, mental, and spiritual baggage can prevent us from “hearing” and responding to even the loudest shouts from God! Yet, according to Romans 8:28, He patiently continues to “call” us, using these very circumstances!

As I write, I am in my mid-fifties. Certain aspects of this book have been floating around in my head for quite a few years. Up until this point in my life however, for many reasons I have not been able to write (or practice) what’s in it. I want to address a few of these right here.

First of all, I was raised in an environment where any discussion of work centered around jobs, not entrepreneurship (starting or owning your own business). Schools didn’t teach it (still don’t) and few parents talked about it. So that possibility just never occurred to me. Some of my friends parents had businesses or were self-employed, but no one ever took the time to explain how they got there or became that way. It was just something that we never talked about.

Neither was there much talk of developing work around ones God-given abilities and desires. It was (is) pretty much get a good education and find a job to support your family and be content! If you happened to like what you were doing, well that was just icing on the cake!

Second, after I was saved most of what I heard and read from a Christian perspective with regard to success & wealth was negative. It was considered worldly and self-centered! Indeed, much of it is and we should be constantly vigilant that selfish motives do not creep into our reasoning for what we do! But, think with me for a moment. Does the fact that there those in the ministry who are either unbelievers or who are in it for personal gain or fame and notoriety invalidate the ministry of those who are truly called? Of course not!

Why then, is it so easy to cast doubt on Christians who are successful in a chosen line of work, profession or business as though they are inevitably doomed to fall into “worldliness” and self-centered importance? That is a trap anyone could fall into, no matter who they are or what they do.

Of course we should not place our affections on material things or getting rich. Colossians 3:2 clearly states, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” But Deuteronomy 8:18 among other scripture, indicates also that it is God who gives us the power (ability) to become wealthy! Not as a primary motive for doing what we do, but as a means of serving Him! Does this mean that He wants everyone to become wealthy? Not at all. However, if it is a bi-product of what we do to fulfill His calling upon our lives, then it is for one purpose only – His purpose!

Of course it is “worldly” to focus on things and pleasures rather than God. But God has much to say about utilizing “this world’s goods” for His purposes.

I have another idea of worldliness that is going to shock many of you. And that is Christians following the just as worldly practice of being educated and trained for a job, not a calling! Most Christians today have bought into the philosophy of “getting a good job and being secure” while checking their minds at the door! There are millions of Christians who have swallowed this safety net philosophy hook, line and sinker! It doesn’t matter that they hate their jobs, feel totally unfulfilled and discontent, are barely able to stay afloat and up to their eyeballs in debt, yet make no attempt to do anything about it! Their only goal in life is to live as comfortably as possible until they die!

I heard a story one time that explains this phenomenon:

Two old-timers were sitting on the porch passing the time. One of them had an old hound dog named Blue who was laying nearby whining and moving around a little, but never really changing his spot!

The visitor asked, “what’s wrong with old Blue”?

The owner replied, “he’s laying on a nail”!

Well, why don’t he move?” asked the visitor.

I reckon it don’t hurt bad enough yet”, answered the owner!

How aptly this describes so many Christians today. Although you will never hear it said this way, we have been taught in our Churches and Christian Schools to live fatalistically! To “accept our lot in life”. After all, it’s “God’s will” as if God’s will doesn’t include using our minds, talents, and opportunities to improve our situation.

What if your pastor or a missionary your church supports had that attitude? They had the ability to write very glowing reports, yet in reality they really weren’t doing much. What if they just did enough to get by so that they can keep the funds flowing and the people satisfied! Once we found out about it, we wouldn’t stand for it! Why then is it OK for those who are called to a support ministry to “just do enough to get by”? We sit in the pew week after week, talking a good game, being involved just enough to “look good”, but in reality we have neither the desire nor means to serve God with our talent, time or treasure. Jesus actually had a term for this: Whited Sepulchres! Pretty on the outside, dead and decayed on the inside.

Sorry folks, but I do not believe God has this in mind for those of us who live in countries where opportunity is not limited by philosophy of government! There are Christians all over this world who cannot financially prosper because they live in government perpetuated poverty. We do not! Therefore, we have more of an obligation, I daresay a responsibility to “do well in order to do good” in this world!

Just like old Blue, we complain, whine, and give a half-hearted attempt to move, but in reality, “it don’t hurt bad enough” yet. We are more comfortable in our misery than making the necessary changes to affect our circumstances!

Comfortable Misery! What a life!

Until next time, my friends –  Selah! Think about it…

One comment

  1. Just want to apologize ahead of time to those who read these posts and find the “Possibly Related Posts” objectionable! I haven’t figured out how to get rid of that feature yet!

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