Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Thank God I wasn’t college material

January 21, 2014

The Matt Walsh Blog

I remember when I first learned that I was destined to be a failure.

I think it was ninth grade, or maybe tenth, and I was sitting in afterschool detention. I’d been sentenced to hard time for being late to class, even though I had a valid excuse. See, I was only late because I hated school with a burning passion. I dreaded every class, every assignment, every test, every worksheet, every mound of busywork, every shallow and forced interaction with peers I couldn’t relate to or connect with or understand; every moment, every second, every part, every inch of every aspect of my public educational experience. I hated it. I hated all of it. I was suffocating.

It had been ten years of public school up to that point and it wasn’t getting better. It never would, and I knew it. I was able to hang on for a long time, managing adequate grades, even…

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Get Real!

October 29, 2009

People, and I am talking specifically to Christians here, will do some pretty interesting things to acquire more money and things, while at the same time trying to appear that it doesn’t concern them!

How many times have you heard someone else say (or even said yourself – be honest now), “I would like to start a business, but not for the money” or “money doesn’t mean that much to me” as they barely keep their heads above water while slowly drowning in a sea of debt!

Really? Try not having any at all!

Zig Ziglar has an interesting perspective about money. He says, “Money isn’t everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen! You can’t live without it.” Money, like oxygen, is not good or evil. It’s our attitude about it and what we do with it that attaches moral attributes to money. Money is essential for getting things done. God has more instructions about money in the Bible than just about anything else. So, it must be important to Him that we understand the nature and purpose of money.

The Bible asks some very poignant questions about money and material things. In the gospel of Mark chapter eight, Jesus addresses his disciples and the others who were with them concerning what is truly important in this life (hint: it’s not us or the things we tend to accumulate).

At the end of His discourse, He poses this question, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

Since He seemed to be addressing a crowd of both believers and unbelievers (disciples and “the people”, vs. 34) I believe this questions has application to both. This will be addressed in more detail throughout the book.

And, of course, we all know the end of the story of the rich man in Luke 12 who had so much stuff that he decided to build bigger barns to hold it all and then lay back and enjoy the “fruits” of his labor for the rest of his life!

Little did he know how short that life would be! God had an answer for him, “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:20-21)

Notice that He did not say, “ So is he that layeth up treasure and is not rich toward God”.   He said, “So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God”!

I believe that most of the attitudes about the relationship between success, money, and believers come from erroneous thinking and teaching. In serving God it is important to understand the concept of stewardship. This is the key that explains the relationship between God, man, and mammon!

Mammon is a great Biblical term! It literally means “wealth personified”! In other words, a person can become so focused on wealth and material success that it becomes their whole identity! Not so for the one who is called to a ministry of Noble Success. To them, wealth is the product of doing well for the purpose of doing good! That’s it.  Simply a tool or product to serve others.  Wow!  That gives us a whole new perspective about money and allows us to pursue our calling without guilt or doubt.

Next time, we will begin focusing more on a calling in general and this calling specifically.  Until then, my friends……Selah. Think on these things.


The Difference

October 21, 2009

So, what is the difference? Why is it that, in America particularly, some Christians seem to be “successful” in everything (business, making money, loving home & family, generous support of God’s work with time, talent, and treasure, community influence, etc.) while others (most) struggle to barely survive? Both have the same 24 hour period of time each day. Both have access to virtually unlimited opportunity. Both desire to do good!

What is it? Take a closer look at their lives.

What is their philosophy/attitude about life: work, pleasure, service, etc.? How do they conduct their business? How do they utilize their time? What educational preparation have they undertaken? Who do they associate with? Are they teachable? Are they available? We could go on, but you get the picture.

This is where the difference lies.

I would argue that Paul’s statement, “the love of money is the root of all evil” found in 1Timothy 6:10 applies more to those who don’t have any money than it does to those who do! There is a saying, “Money is a hard taskmaster, but an excellent servant!” It’s true.

Look at the history of those who win large lottery payouts. Most are broke again within a decade or less. There are all kinds of social reasons for this, but generally speaking most people are not mentally or emotionally prepared to handle sudden wealth. They do not understand that merely possessing money does not make one wealthy. Wealth and success are as much a state of mind as having the tangible things they can produce or purchase.

Those that do not understand this become slaves to money and the unchecked lusts and desires it can bring to the surface. Most people have no concept of how wealth is created, kept, or perpetuated. They are completely baffled when it fleets away!

I use the term “Noble Success” to include any business enterprise, profession, or occupation in which the main objective is to support the ones God has called into the ministry.

People who are involved in the ministry of Noble Success quietly live out their lives according to 2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” They confidently act according to the passions, abilities, and personality that God has given them (Power). They have dedicated their lives to quietly serving those around them (Love). And they carefully acquire the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do what they are called to do (Sound Mind).

Most do all this without others ever knowing the half of it. They do not call attention to themselves. They do not have a blinking neon sign over them saying, “look at what I’m doing, aren’t I great!”. Most prefer to stay in the shadows. They don’t drive late model expensive cars.  Most buy their clothes at the same places everyone else does.  They tend to live in average neighborhoods.  They usually never stand out as someone who has the ability to perpetually give a lot of money.

These individuals have learned to make money their servant!

As a matter of fact, one of the key findings by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko in their book, The Millionaire Next Door is that the fundamental qualities of this group are diametrically opposed to today’s earn-and-consume culture.

They discovered that the average millionaire lives far below their means. They allocate funds efficiently in ways that build wealth and ignore extravagant and conspicuous consumption. Most have become experts at identifying and targeting opportunities. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, these individuals have pursued business opportunities, occupations, or careers based on their personalities, gifts, abilities, and interests.

Occasionally we may hear about a rather large sum of money given anonymously to a certain ministry supported by our church and as we look around we think, “it must be someone from outside this congregation because no one here would be able to do that!” Think again. Stanley and Danko found that the average millionaire is more than likely the guy who lives next door or down the street! As the saying made famous by Nike goes, they “just do it.”

In The Character of Noble Success we will look at how anyone who is interested can develop these qualities and vastly increase their ability to serve through sending, supporting, and supplying without compromising their Christian principles and values.

Until next time, Selah…think about these things!


The Call to Noble Success: Long Time Coming – Confusion to Clarity

October 12, 2009

We once had a neighbor who, when asked how she was doing, always had the same reply, “Oh, we’re a-makin’ it!” How many Christians are just “a-makin’ it”? They are just going through life on auto-pilot, buying into the worldly philosophy that this is it – their “station in life”! They can’t change their circumstances so they bury any dreams or desires that they once had, never considering that those dreams and desires may have been put there by God Himself! How sad!

I believe this is a wrong interpretation of God’s will! Yes it is important to know and live out God’s will for our lives. But, God gave us minds, abilities, dreams, and desires and these figure into knowing and doing His will.

Philippians 2:12 -13 says, “ Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” To “work out” means to accomplish, finish, or perform. Therefore, God works in us to cause us to do His will through the working out of our intellect, gifts, abilities, desires, and circumstances.

If we trust in the Lord and truly delight ourselves in Him, then His word is clear – He will “direct our steps” (Pr 3:5-6) and “give us the desires of our hearts” (Ps 37:5).

Sure, there are warnings that go along with this. Jeremiah 17:9 cautions, “The heart is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked; who can know it?” I contend that a saved person whose desire is to trust and delight in the Lord, will know the will of God and have right desires in his heart (and know that they are right desires)! Indeed, in the four verses preceding Jeremiah 17:9 the contrast between those who are trusting in the arm of the flesh (man) and those who are trusting in the Lord is made abundantly clear:

Jer 17:5 So says Jehovah, Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and who makes flesh his arm, and who turns aside his heart from Jehovah.

Jer 17:6 For he shall be like a juniper in the desert, and shall not see when good comes. But he shall live in parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land that is not inhabited.

But He follows with this…

Jer 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah, and Jehovah is his refuge.

Jer 17:8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters. It sends out its roots by the stream, and it will not fear when the heat comes; but its foliage will be green; and it is not anxious in the year of drought, nor will it cease from yielding fruit.

Many in Christian circles today have taken vs.9 to mean that we must basically be robots because we cannot trust any thoughts emanating from our hearts. We cannot seek to do well, in financial terms, because our motives cannot be pure! I say hogwash! They take this verse alone and do not set it in context with the previous verses.

Pro 4:23 exhorts us to “keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” If our heart is right, then our desires, and motives will also be right!In The Character of Noble Success we will look at this in more detail.

Third, it has taken me this long because I have had to learn how to reconcile warning passages such as the one in Colossians 3 with the command to “do good unto all men, Romans 10:15, “how shall they go except they be sent”… When I was saved, at age 28, I had been living a rather self-centered life of “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die”! It just never occurred to me that there was a whole different perspective of success that was rooted in Nobleness: serving others, not self.

In the words of one of my all-time favorite radio Bible preachers, the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee, “My friends, this is where the rubber meets the road!” I can still hear that old gravelly voice! This is discussed more fully in The Cost of Noble Success.

The final point I want to make is that it has taken me this long to believe that the ability to think creatively, to write, and to teach are gifts from God to be used for His glory! The realization that God has given me the ability and, more importantly, the responsibility to make a difference and influence the lives of others for good through writing, teaching, and speaking has been a very slow process. Like Moses, I have struggled (and still do) with the confidence to realize that God can and does want to use me!

Nothing against Moses, but I was actually glad to find out that he wasn’t perfect, that he failed, and that he resisted the call of God! He whined, complained, and made up excuse after excuse, yet God continued to prepare him and then use him to accomplish extraordinary things.

I have dedicated the rest of my life to this endeavor although I am not sure what direction that path may take. In The Challenge of Noble Success I focus more on these thoughts.

Until next time my friends, Selah …Think on these things!


The Call To Noble Success: Long Time Coming – Comfortable Misery

October 9, 2009

Exo 4:11-12 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.

Moses spent 40 years on “the backside of the desert” and even with the Lord speaking to him directly from a burning bush that wasn’t consumed, he still didn’t get it!

A lifetime accumulation of cultural, emotional, mental, and spiritual baggage can prevent us from “hearing” and responding to even the loudest shouts from God! Yet, according to Romans 8:28, He patiently continues to “call” us, using these very circumstances!

As I write, I am in my mid-fifties. Certain aspects of this book have been floating around in my head for quite a few years. Up until this point in my life however, for many reasons I have not been able to write (or practice) what’s in it. I want to address a few of these right here.

First of all, I was raised in an environment where any discussion of work centered around jobs, not entrepreneurship (starting or owning your own business). Schools didn’t teach it (still don’t) and few parents talked about it. So that possibility just never occurred to me. Some of my friends parents had businesses or were self-employed, but no one ever took the time to explain how they got there or became that way. It was just something that we never talked about.

Neither was there much talk of developing work around ones God-given abilities and desires. It was (is) pretty much get a good education and find a job to support your family and be content! If you happened to like what you were doing, well that was just icing on the cake!

Second, after I was saved most of what I heard and read from a Christian perspective with regard to success & wealth was negative. It was considered worldly and self-centered! Indeed, much of it is and we should be constantly vigilant that selfish motives do not creep into our reasoning for what we do! But, think with me for a moment. Does the fact that there those in the ministry who are either unbelievers or who are in it for personal gain or fame and notoriety invalidate the ministry of those who are truly called? Of course not!

Why then, is it so easy to cast doubt on Christians who are successful in a chosen line of work, profession or business as though they are inevitably doomed to fall into “worldliness” and self-centered importance? That is a trap anyone could fall into, no matter who they are or what they do.

Of course we should not place our affections on material things or getting rich. Colossians 3:2 clearly states, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” But Deuteronomy 8:18 among other scripture, indicates also that it is God who gives us the power (ability) to become wealthy! Not as a primary motive for doing what we do, but as a means of serving Him! Does this mean that He wants everyone to become wealthy? Not at all. However, if it is a bi-product of what we do to fulfill His calling upon our lives, then it is for one purpose only – His purpose!

Of course it is “worldly” to focus on things and pleasures rather than God. But God has much to say about utilizing “this world’s goods” for His purposes.

I have another idea of worldliness that is going to shock many of you. And that is Christians following the just as worldly practice of being educated and trained for a job, not a calling! Most Christians today have bought into the philosophy of “getting a good job and being secure” while checking their minds at the door! There are millions of Christians who have swallowed this safety net philosophy hook, line and sinker! It doesn’t matter that they hate their jobs, feel totally unfulfilled and discontent, are barely able to stay afloat and up to their eyeballs in debt, yet make no attempt to do anything about it! Their only goal in life is to live as comfortably as possible until they die!

I heard a story one time that explains this phenomenon:

Two old-timers were sitting on the porch passing the time. One of them had an old hound dog named Blue who was laying nearby whining and moving around a little, but never really changing his spot!

The visitor asked, “what’s wrong with old Blue”?

The owner replied, “he’s laying on a nail”!

Well, why don’t he move?” asked the visitor.

I reckon it don’t hurt bad enough yet”, answered the owner!

How aptly this describes so many Christians today. Although you will never hear it said this way, we have been taught in our Churches and Christian Schools to live fatalistically! To “accept our lot in life”. After all, it’s “God’s will” as if God’s will doesn’t include using our minds, talents, and opportunities to improve our situation.

What if your pastor or a missionary your church supports had that attitude? They had the ability to write very glowing reports, yet in reality they really weren’t doing much. What if they just did enough to get by so that they can keep the funds flowing and the people satisfied! Once we found out about it, we wouldn’t stand for it! Why then is it OK for those who are called to a support ministry to “just do enough to get by”? We sit in the pew week after week, talking a good game, being involved just enough to “look good”, but in reality we have neither the desire nor means to serve God with our talent, time or treasure. Jesus actually had a term for this: Whited Sepulchres! Pretty on the outside, dead and decayed on the inside.

Sorry folks, but I do not believe God has this in mind for those of us who live in countries where opportunity is not limited by philosophy of government! There are Christians all over this world who cannot financially prosper because they live in government perpetuated poverty. We do not! Therefore, we have more of an obligation, I daresay a responsibility to “do well in order to do good” in this world!

Just like old Blue, we complain, whine, and give a half-hearted attempt to move, but in reality, “it don’t hurt bad enough” yet. We are more comfortable in our misery than making the necessary changes to affect our circumstances!

Comfortable Misery! What a life!

Until next time, my friends –  Selah! Think about it…


The Ministry of Noble Success: The Awakening – Part 3

October 6, 2009

The Ministry of Noble Success is about the call to Serve through Sending, Supporting, and Supplying God’s Servants!

I want to outline what I believe the Bible says should be no less of a call to ministry than the call to preach, teach, or go to the mission field and that is the Call, Character, Cost, and Challenge of the Ministry of Noble Success.

As in any ministry, one must be confident of the Call to the ministry of Noble Success. Any person who is called into ministry must develop the Character needed to be successful in their calling. They must also weigh the Cost of their calling and whether or not they are willing to walk that road. Finally they must meet and fulfill the Challenge of the particular ministry to which they are called – cultivating the next generation and leaving a legacy. This book will focus on each of these areas in addressing the ministry of Noble Success. I believe every Christian is called to a ministry of service for the Lord – to either preach, teach, or evangelize, or send, support, and supply those who do.  This book will focus on the latter.

Next time, I will begin a series of posts on the Call to the Ministry of Noble Success.   Until then, may God richly bless you….


The Ministry of Noble Success: The Awakening Part II

September 29, 2009

Several years ago, I went on a missions trip with my friend, Pastor Rick Searls to Brookes Point, Palawan, in the Philippines. We visited Brookes Point Bible Church, a work he helped start and which our church supports. While there, in one of my devotions I read a passage of scripture that caused me to begin some serious introspection into how my life counted for God!

Romans 10:15 asks a very interesting question, “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? ”

Of course the first question that came to mind was, Who is suppose to send them? Well, the obvious answer, I thought, was that it was God. Then another question came to mind. How does He send them? I must say, this was where a lot of soul searching began …

I looked at what was going on in this vibrant growing work in what would be considered borderline primitive in the US. I saw all the needs that were going unmet, the hard lives that these believers were living as opposed to the relative ease of life in the West and in particular, the United States. It was a revelation to say the least!

Multiply their situation by thousands all over the world. Add the hundreds of missionaries who are struggling to raise support to get to their field of calling and the thousands who are struggling just to keep enough support to stay on the field. And then there’s the ones who burnout and simply give up trying – staggering!

I could not stop thinking about this. Eventually, I put together some teachings based on these thoughts entitled Called to Send.

The problem is that it is getting harder for those who are called to go to get there because those of us who are called to send have not fulfilled our calling! Don’t believe that? Take a look at the average Christian’s lifestyle. Not only living paycheck to paycheck, but deeply in debt, just like everyone else! Now, tell me who is worldly! Think of how much money is wasted on temporal things and frivolous personal whims, when perhaps millions of Christians by making even a slight adjustment in lifestyle, could make a huge difference!

In preparing Called to Send, I tried to address what I saw as the responsibility of the “everyday” Christian. The man in the pew, so to speak. This has evolved over the years into what I now call The Ministry of Noble Success, the title of this book.

The Awakening, Part III will begin describing what this “ministry” is all about!